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Reading and writing interlaced data

read_interlaced_delim() read_interlaced_csv() read_interlaced_csv2() read_interlaced_tsv() interlaced_vroom()
Read an delimited file with interlaced missing reasons into a tibble
write_interlaced_delim() write_interlaced_csv() write_interlaced_csv2() write_interlaced_excel_csv() write_interlaced_excel_csv2() write_interlaced_tsv()
Interlace a deinterlaced data frame and write it to a file
Parse a character vector into an interlaced vector type
Get a path to one of interlacer's example data sets

Extended column type specification

x_cols() x_cols_only()
Construct an extended column specification
Examine the extended column specification for a data frame
Construct an extended collector for an extended column specification
v_col_guess() v_col_cfactor() v_col_character() v_col_date() v_col_datetime() v_col_double() v_col_factor() v_col_integer() v_col_big_integer() v_col_logical() v_col_number() v_col_skip() v_col_time()
Value collectors
na_col_default() na_col_none() na_col_integer() na_col_factor() na_col_cfactor()
Missing reason collectors

The interlaced type

Functions for working with the interlaced type

interlaced() as.interlaced() is.interlaced()
Construct an interlaced vector
Interpret a value as a missing reason
value_channel() na_channel()
Access the channels of an interlaced vector
Flatten a interlaced vector
`%==%` `%!=%`
Multichannel comparison
map_value_channel() map_na_channel()
Apply a function to one of the channels of an interlaced vector
levels(<interlacer_interlaced>) na_levels()
Factor level attributes of interlaced vectors

Tidy helpers for interlaced types

Wrappers for tidyselect selectors and dplyr verbs that target value or missing reason channels

across_value_channels() across_na_channels()
Apply a function across the value or missing reason channels of multiple columns
where_value_channel() where_na_channel()
Select variables with a function applied on value or missing reason channels

The cfactor type

Functions for working with the cfactor type

cfactor() cordered() is.cfactor() is.cordered()
Coded factors
as.cfactor() as.cordered()
cfactor coercion
codes() levels(<interlacer_cfactor>)
cfactor attributes
Convert a cfactor vector into a vector of its codes